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Being Fit and Pregnant


Eating healthy during pregnancy was the hardest thing I have ever done. I had the worst cravings for ice cream, tuna, ham sandwiches, sushi and chicken! All things a pregnant woman shouldn't have much of...if any at all. 

This picture is me at 37 weeks. I had our daughter 4 days later, at home, it was a water birth. It was an amazing experience and I am recommending it to every woman. The pool helped with the pain immensely.


Pregnancy Diet


I told myself I was going to be the healthiest I could be so our baby would be a super baby! I emailed my favourite author, Ron Garner who wrote the Conscious Health, and he recommended reading Pregnancy, Childbirth & Children's Diets by Joel Robbins DC,MD. I bought it online that day! In his book he says "Since the developing baby will be made from the food the mother consumes while carrying the child, the best food possible will produce the best baby possible." So that was my goal.

The Pregnancy Diet:



Choose one from the following:

-freshly made raw fruit juice

-fruit, melons or fruit salad (fresh and raw)

- unsulfured dried fruit

Note: If you are experiencing morning sickness, snacking on fruit throughout the morning may help to control it.


Choose one from the following:

-fruit, melons or fruit salad (fresh and raw)

-raw vegetables (salad or vegetable sticks)

  May add streamed vegetables

 May add one of the following:

-baked potato

-sweet potato/yam

-whole grains (who grain bread, rice, millet, corn)

-whole grain or artichoke pasta


-nuts (raw,unsalted, one handful) no peanuts.

-seeds (raw, unsalted, one handful)


-fruit or melons (fresh and raw)

-raw vegetable salad

  May add steamed vegetables

  May add one of the following:

-broiled or baked fish or chicken

  (maximum three to four times per week)

-sweet potato/yam

-baked potato


-whole grains (bread, rice, millet, corn, etc.)

-nuts (raw,unsalted, one handful) no peanuts.-seeds (raw, unsalted, one handful)

Now try to follow that strict diet when all you want is a cheese burger! I did as best as I could. I didn't throw up once during pregnancy and I felt great. People always told me I was lucky but I know it was because I was so healthy. I did get the mood swings and the cravings though. I think that is just a normal part of pregnancy. I strongly recommend that book for anyone who is thinking about having children. It gives great advice on babies, being pregnant, and kids. 

I worked out during pregnancy twice a week. I did Zumba. Dancing to hip-hop and Latino music. Doing the salsa and shaking my bootie! It was so much fun. During my 9th month I had to stop. So I started taking our dog for longer walks. Our baby came soon after. She has been a great baby. Not colicky at all. She is smart and has lots of blonde hair. She is happy and alert. 

Since I am breastfeeding I have had to take out lots of foods out of my diet that will give her gas. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper and kale. Citrus fruits like oranges, pineapples, lemons and limes, even strawberries and melon. I have introduced garlic and onion back into my diet and she is fine with those. When babies are born they don't have the digestive enzymes to bread down some of the properties from those foods so they get bad gas cramps. At 3 months (which is now) she will be developing them fast so hopefully I can start bringing in the fruits and vegetables. I am still taking my prenatal vitamins and I drink Vega everyday to get the nutrients that I'm not getting from those vegetables and fruit.


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