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Why choose organic over non-organic?

Refined Sugar Free



Eating a sugar free diet is the best health choice you can make. If you have a family or are planning on having a family, as a mother, I urge you to make this diet a part of your daily lifestyle. 


In everyday society sugar is eaten in every meal. It's in cerials, snacks, breads, juices, candy, granola, ice cream, chocolate, salsa, condiments such as ketchup and mayo, and tortilla wraps. You can find all of those items in your local health foods store with no sugar! There are subsitutes like honey, dates, maple syrup, molasses, agave nectar, coconut nectar and brown rice syrup. Look for those ingredients instead of sugar. states, 'In a recent article in the British Medical Journal, sugar was described "as dangerous as tobacco", with a proposal that it be re-classified as a hard drug; in fact, sugar on the tongue produces morphine-like chemicals in the brain that produce a natural high, making it very hard for us to resist.'


Sugar in fruit is totally different. Do not be afraid to eat lots of fruit. (*Note -\ Fruit should be eaten for breakfast and alone.) Fruit is a raw, living, natural food. Your body knows how to break it down and store it as nutrients. Fruit is a major part of our diets and should be eaten daily. If can be eaten whole or blended in shakes. Fruit combined with carbohydrates, such as a blueberry bagel, will create gas and make you bloated and uncomfortable. It is hard on your stomach and intestines. When fruit is eaten with other foods, will be the last to digest in your stomach. It gets pushed to the top of the pile. This causes the fruit to ferment. It starts to rot fast! By the time the fermented fruit reaches the small intestine there are no longer any nutrients left to absorb so it's pretty much a waste of eating fruit for its nutritional properties. 


In Alicia Silverstones book 'thekinddiet' she states, "Sugar is crack. Like crack, white sugar lifts you up, up, up then smacks your head on the floor, leaving you wasted and useless. And yet within minutes you're begging for more. Why? White sugar is highly processed: Nature grows food in their whole forms, and for the most part we're supposed to eat them that way. When we do, we get each plants unique combination of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and carbohydrates, and our bodies know how to metabolize them perfectly. Yay, nature! But when we eat foods from which bits and pieces have been removed through processing, our bodies get confused and stressed out trying to make up for the missing elements. Instead of creating natural balance, the processed "food" creates imbalance, which in turn leads to more imbalance. This is how food can effect our body like a drug. -white sugar leaches vitamins and minerals from your blood and bones-white sugar suppresses your immune system-sugar puts you on a roller coaster-white sugar is associated with cancer-sugar contributes to insulin resistance and diabetesWhen I eat sugar I get a head ache...I gain weight...I am left feeling tired with bags under my eyes, I feel moody and bitchy, and I crave more sugar!" and it's all true! Sugar is so destructive to our bodies and most of us have no idea. 


Benefits from not eating sugar:


  • clear skin

  • easy weight loss

  • positive mood

  • healthier lifestyle

  • save money from not buying so many sweats

  • avoid serious medical problems

  • help you stay away from foods that are lacking in nutrients

  • no cavities/oral health

  • setting a good example for your children


Helpful steps towards taking sugar out of your diet:


  1. Look through your cupboards and fridge and find 3 items a week that have sugar. Write those items down and plan on replacing them with sugar-free items. Such as cranberry juice, ketchup and white bread.

  2. Go to your local health foods store and check ingredients. Save-on-foods now has healthier options in every isle. There you can find natural juices with no added sugar, ketchup that is agave or honey sweetened and gluten-free bread with no sugar at all.

  3. Go into your kitchen and throw out anything you have decided not to eat or drink anymore 

  4. Be strict - Ban sugar from your beverage diet

  5. While baking use honey, agave nectar, pure maple syrup, brown rice syrup and molasses

  6. When googling recipes search for sugar-free recipes

  7. Remind yourself that you deserve a sugar-reduced life, rather than focusing on feeling deprived

  8. Never shop on an empty stomach. It leads to impulse purchases that usually contain sugar

  9. Fruit is a great healthy treat for you and the family when wanting something sweet. Pack fruit for your snack and in the kids lunches instead of cookies and packaged treats.

  10. When craving something with sugar such as ice cream or candy choose ice cream that is sweetened with agave nectar such as Coconut Bliss or So Delicious Ice cream











Website Sources:



Book Sources:


Conscious Health by Ron Garner

The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone

Sweet poison: Why sugar makes you fat by David Gillespie





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