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Why choose organic over non-organic?

Vitamins and Minerals




Vegetables are very alkalizing. They give you energy and most of the vitamin and minerals you need to function properly and to rid the body of sickness and disease. Eating raw vegetables is so much more important then eating cooked vegetables. Cooking food kills nutrients and enzymes and most people don't know that, or if they do they choose to ignore it. So make sure you eat a salad with every dinner time meal. 

On the news the other day it said that there is no difference between vegetables that are grown organically then vegetables that are grown with in non organic soil and that use pesticides. That is wrong! Food that is grown in organic soil is much healthier because the soils contain more trace minerals.


Organic farming is based on a system that maintains and replenishes soil fertility. The quality of the soil is enhanced by using organic matter and compost. Chemical fertilizers are not present. Organic crops have more minerals then non organic vegetables which mean more health benefits. 


When buying vegetables make sure that they are local and fresh. Many veggies travel from far distances and are picked before they are ripe so they haven't fully developed all their vitamins and minerals.


If you are looking for the nutrional facts for your raw fruits and veggies, try this site.

*Note: Washing your vegetables and fruit with apple cider vinegar and water will help remove chemicals, germs and dirt.




Fruit should be eaten alone in the morning so your body has time to cleanse. The cleansing starts from the moment you stop eating in the evening, during sleep and then until you eat your first cooked meal in the morning. Prolonging your first meal to lunch time is best. Start your day with your lemon water and then fruit for breakfast, snacking on more fruit if you are still hungry and then something light for lunch. 


Have you ever heard of a fruitarian? A fruitarian is a person who only eats fruit! Sometimes they eat vegetables but mostly they eat a lot of fruit. 6 bananas for breakfast, 6 apples for lunch, then a salad of mixed greens and a fruit salad for dinner. Wow that's pretty hard core. Michael Arnstein is a fruitarian who is an medal winning ultrarunner. His story is really amazing. Read about it here.


Nuts and Seeds


Soaking nuts and seeds in water over night is best for proper digestion. Cashews, macadamia nuts and brazil nuts are the only nuts that don't need to be soaked. Learn more on my tips page. Almonds have more calcium then dairy products.

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