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Why choose organic over non-organic?



It's very important for us to get some sort of exercise in our life. Whether it be just a nice stroll with your dog or a job around the block, we all need fitness in our life to live a healthy long life. Fitness doesn't necessarily mean you need to lift weights or run marathons, it is more about being active.


Did you know that jumping on the trampoline is a great way to work out and you get to have fun with your kids. If you like to walk that's great. A 30 minute walk a day will go a long way. I do Zumba twice a week. My husband runs and works out. My son takes the dog for a walk and our daughter does dance 4 days a week.


We are an active family. We teach out kids to play outside in the rain or snow. We love taking the dog for a walk as a family and Seth loves riding on his scooter, bike and is slowly learning his skateboard. We get excited about exercise so our kids see that it's good for us. If you do a bit of research on being active you can see that it helps reduce signs of obesity, diseases such as . It will reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Getting exercise outside is super beneficial. Having the sun shine on your face will make you happy, you will feel energised and you will get your Vitamin D for the day (We always supplement with Vitamin D3 drops when sun isn't around in those colder months).


I was doing some research on how to calm nerves on to calm my nerves on my wedding day and I read that I should work out before I get ready, to help the brain produce chemicals that will make me happy and relaxed. It worked like a charm. I did a 45 minute Zumba class at home, listening to music from the computer and I danced in the living room and then stretched after. Then showered and got ready for the exciting day ahead. Working out before a big work meeting or before a test is also helpful.


Our kids know that fitness helps them build strong bones, muscles and helps them maintain a healthy weight. Basketball is Seth's favourite sport and wants to be a professional when he grows up. Chloe also wants to be a professional dancer and teach other girls one day. They have such great goals.


I am not a "runner" but I ran a 10km run in Victoria after doing Zumba twice a week for 7 months, with no training. It was so great and since I was active before the run it went well. I was able to go at my own slow page and I finished at a decent time. I had so much fun. I can't wait to run the next one in April. My husband is a marathon runner and he will be running his second full marathon this year.


We make sure we get enough nutrients to keep our bodies nourished and energised. Vega, spirulina, maca, and chlorella help keep us going during our work out, that is why we add them to our pre-work out shake. Look for them in your local health foods store. We fill our diet full of living foods like fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds to make our bodies more alkaline. Living food gives us life. To shine and be the best we can be.





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